Excite - 4 Audio Lessons for Summer Well-Being (2018)

excite summer well being
excite summer well being

Excite - 4 Audio Lessons for Summer Well-Being (2018)


Excite is an outline with 4 great lessons to give you a concept of what to expect for Summer and to begin your tuning in with the seasons. All the bones of the information are here with info on nutrition and heart health.

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You will get 4 lessons Plus one Intro lesson

Bonus Intro – how class works, logistics, , Basic explanation of Yin + YangHow things shift through seasons

1. Lesson 1 EXCITE – Summer
What does Summer feel like to you? What are your memories? What are your tendencies?
Element of Fire

2. Foods + Color
List of Summer Red Foods
Vitamins in Red foods
How Red matches the exuberance of Summer

3. Physical Heart
Emotional Heart
Symptoms of the heart

4. Astrology of Summer
Preparing for Late Summer / Fall