What to expect
Acupuncture at Mitchell Family Acupuncture, Berkeley - come to 1738 Solano Avenue. The entrance lays on Ensenada - come up the ramp and to the front door.
We welcome you into the space and you will feel at home in our waiting area. The first appointment we will spend our first chunk of time together talking about your health history. Then you will receive acupuncture needles and be given some time to rest with the needles inserted.
Acupuncture can be immediate or it can take time to work. Expect to be put on a treatment plan for acupuncture visits which often begin as weekly for 4-6 treatments and then a reevaluation based on how you are feeling. Expect some lifestyle suggestions, herbal and supplement prescriptions and dietary support. Your whole body is included in the way we view you and we want to keep you supported.